When we run the Java application with the JNLP file on the remote computer, we always get this error message. Can anyone tell us what the problem is ?
Waiting for exception dialog to be closed
Launch exception
netx: Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file. ( ( (Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) throws java.lang.ClassFormatError accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @7f38a5)))
Class-Path attribute cleared for C:\Users\reic1\.cache\icedtea-web\cache\0\21\basis.jar
Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file
- Posts: 892
- Joined: 24 Mar 2020, 13:37
Re: Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file
Please attach the log files. Please don't copy and paste logs as it is difficult to read long logs.
It could be that the jar file is corrupt or you need to provide the jvm arg in jnlp for the module in which the class iss.
It could be that the jar file is corrupt or you need to provide the jvm arg in jnlp for the module in which the class iss.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 16 Mar 2023, 13:31
Re: Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file
Here are the log files as requested
- Attachments
- 2023-04-25_08_53_57.376-ows-stage2.log
- (68.71 KiB) Downloaded 1339 times
- 2023-04-25_08_53_57.376-ows-stage1.log
- (27.74 KiB) Downloaded 1426 times
- 2023-04-25_08_52_26.753-ows-stage2.log
- (85.92 KiB) Downloaded 1257 times
- 2023-04-25_08_52_26.753-ows-stage1.log
- (26.44 KiB) Downloaded 1302 times
- Posts: 892
- Joined: 24 Mar 2020, 13:37
Re: Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file
On line 308 In the Stage 2 log, OWS is Starting your application and invoking the main method of your application.
After that there is an exception in your app:
Please see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/412 ... cessible-m
You may need to specify the following jvm args in your Jnlp file:
After that there is an exception in your app:
Code: Select all
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) throws java.lang.ClassFormatError accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @82d4e9
You may need to specify the following jvm args in your Jnlp file:
Code: Select all
<j2se version="1.8+" java-vm-args="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED"/>