Additionnal info : We identified that the problem seems to be linked with JavaFx. Everything else works fine, but as soon as javafx gets involved, we get permission errors.
Also, when specifying '--nosecurity' in command line (javaws --nosecurity ourApp.jnlp), everything works fine.
=> This solution would be okay if we could force this parameter within the jnlp (or some other way than via command line). Is this possible?
You will have to modify the policy file of the JRE that is used by OWS to run the app specified in the jnlp file.
You can have a custom policy file and specify it in the file:\:///C\:/OWSFiles/myjava.policy
Also, when specifying '--nosecurity' in command line (javaws --nosecurity ourApp.jnlp), everything works fine.
=> This solution would be okay if we could force this parameter within the jnlp (or some other way than via command line). Is this possible?
why this has changed between java-11 & java-17 as I compared the security.policy files between the two of them and this difference does not occur
Can you please provide more details? Do you mean to say that the same Jnlp file was running fine with Java 11 and OWS and when you started running the same JNlp file with Java 17 and OWS it started giving the "Denying permission:" error?
Btw, which version of OWS are you using?
Can you please send me the OWS logs when running successfully with Java 11 and OWS logs when failing with Java 17?