Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

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Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by david.amato »

I have noticed that the installer (OpenWebStart_windows-x64_1_10_1.exe) on Win11 does not set the mime type in the registry and as a result the webstart does not come back as a jnlp files but rather .do file from the server. I have checked both options to associate the jnlp and jnlpx file during the install process.

Both the Iced-T and Java Oracle installer set the following :-
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-java-jnlp-file]

This registry entry is required for the webstart file to be return the websart file with a .jnlp extension.

Janak Mulani
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Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by Janak Mulani »

I will investigate this.

But just to clarify I would like to know the steps you followed:
1. You have deployed a myapp.jnlp file in a server say in app folder
2. You run javaws from command line: >javaws
3. Do you mean to say the server returned a .do file? Can you please explain what do you mean by "the webstart does not come back as a jnlp files but rather .do file from the server."?

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Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by david.amato »

We use a spring based web server to return a web start file, this is built up for each request. I am not that clued up on this mechanism, but it is all spring managed.
Without the registry entry the returning file come back as a .do file extension, when the registry entry is present then it come back as .jnlp file extension.

Janak Mulani
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Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by Janak Mulani »

Shouldn't the server set the mime type in response when responding to request for a jnlp file?

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Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by david.amato »

It does set the mime type in the response, but due to the missing registry entry the browser will default to .do extension when providing the file.
This is what is seems to me, the identical request can be sent and with the reg entry will give a .jnlp extension being downloaded and without a .do file extension.

Response headers:-
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 11:10:08 GMT
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Example of call, the return has no extension, this should be set by the browser based on the Content-Type in the return object header:-

curl -X GET -k -i " ... COUNTRY=ZA"

As I mentioned both the iced-t and java oracle install are setting this registry entry as part of the install..

Janak Mulani
Posts: 946
Joined: 24 Mar 2020, 13:37

Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by Janak Mulani »

With OWS 1.11.0 installer [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-java-jnlp-file]
"Extension"=".jnlp" will be set when the installer is run in admin privilege ,i.e., installation is done for all users.

Posts: 4
Joined: 15 Oct 2024, 07:40

Re: Installer Mime Type Missing Win11

Post by david.amato »

Thanks this works correctly now.

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