OpenWebStart jnlp-api: maven distribution?

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Joined: 02 Jun 2020, 23:34

OpenWebStart jnlp-api: maven distribution?

Post by aedgar »

Hello All,

I am currently in the progress of migrating an application from Java 1.8 (Sun) to openjdk 11 and have decided to retain OpenWebStart as the solution we prefer, as of now, for launching the migrated app. Maven is used as our build and dependency management system and openjdk 11 is our JDK.

I am having difficulty determining what artifact I should be using as a compile dependency for code that refers to the javax.jnlp package classes (for example javax.jnlp.BasicService). There are various jnlp and jnlp-api artefacts that can be found in public repositories but they all predate Java 1.8. As such, the cleanest solution (and probably the "most" legal) appears to be to compile against an API jar that is provided by OpenWebStart - although I am open to feedback about this opinion.

I have inspected the openwebstart.jar archive that is included in the installation of OpenWebStart 1.1.7 and have identified artifact "net.adoptopenjdk:jnlp-api:2.0.0-alpha13" as a logical candidate (jar:file:openwebstart.jar!META-INF/maven/net.adoptopenjdk/jnlp-api/pom.xml); however, I have been unable to locate a public repository that can provide it. Any suggestions, solutions I have overlooked? And any plans to publish any such artifact?

Thanks for taking the time to read this topic and, more importantly, the time you have spend creating and maintaining this life saving product.

Best regards,
- Andrew

Stephan Classen
Posts: 232
Joined: 27 Mar 2020, 09:55

Re: OpenWebStart jnlp-api: maven distribution?

Post by Stephan Classen »

You can find the code here: ... r/jnlp-api

Currently there are no plans to publish such an API-jar.
Openwebstart is aimed at applications based on Java 1.8 which can for one or the other reason not migrate to Java 11 at the moment.
If your application is compiled against Java 11 we recommend using other means then OWS for deploying your application.
The reason behind this is that OWS only allows for using the classpath and not the module path. Therefore all the benefits introduced with the Java module system are unavailable to an application launched with OWS

Posts: 2
Joined: 02 Jun 2020, 23:34

Re: OpenWebStart jnlp-api: maven distribution?

Post by aedgar »

Thanks for the reply Stephan.

Best regards,
- Andrew

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