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certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 16:43
by vijayasri.t

Can you help me get rid of the two security warning prompts? See attachments. I see them both on Windows 10 and macOS Catalina when I launch my application. Using AdoptOpenJDK 8 update 262 and OpenWebStart 1.1.8.
The website's HTTPS certificate cannot be verified. Do you want to continue?
Despite checking 'Always trust content from this publisher', the two prompts keep showing up everytime application is launched.

Noticed that site is blocked in my company VPN.

I tried downloading the certificates using the below command -

Code: Select all

$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect
I imported the 3 certificates in the certifcate chain to AdoptOpenJDK JRE cacerts keystore.

Code: Select all

$ sudo keytool -keystore /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jre/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -importcert -file ows.cer -alias "ows-root" -trustcacerts
The prompts dont still go away. How is this supposed to work and be resolved. Please advise.


Re: certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 16:46
by vijayasri.t
Attachments added.

Re: certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 20:46
by Janak Mulani
Can you please check the certificates in the file : OpenWebStart\jre\lib\security\cacerts?

If you check the logs, there should be entries about which keystore is being used by OWS on your machine.

Re: certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 28 Jul 2020, 08:01
by vijayasri.t

I see these in OpenWebStart Settings.
UserTrustedCerts.PNG (73.43 KiB) Viewed 21009 times

Also, attached the log when the prompts are seen. Removed some sensitive information from logs.
(3.75 KiB) Downloaded 673 times
Kindly advise whats going wrong here.

Re: certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 07 Aug 2020, 11:35
by vijayasri.t
Can I get some guidance on how to approach this? I do not wish to see the prompts each time I launch the application. And Always trust content from this publisher doesnt seem to work.

Re: certificate security warning prompts

Posted: 12 Aug 2020, 11:38
by Hendrik Ebbers
we are currently working to get the next OpenWebStart version released next week. Afterwards we will have some time to take care of community issues. Since there are several issues in the IcedTea-Web issue tracker (, the OpenWebStart issue tracker ( and this board I can not say when we will have time for a deeper look on your issue. Since this is an issue that not affect users in general (looks like you are the only person that has certificate issues with I assume that other issues will have a higher priority. I'm really sorry for this news but we can not take care of all issues in parallel for free. If you want to get this issue handled with priority we can take cate of it based on time & material or as part of a commercial support contract. You can find more information at or by discussing this issue with us by mail
Next to this you can always try to solve the issue on your own. Both IcedTea-Web and OpenWebStart are 100% OpenSource.
Next to this we organise a free webinar about OpenWebStart next week. Maybe you can discuss the issue with developers directly in the Q&A part of the webinar:

