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Warning: using resources from remote locations

Posted: 29 Jun 2022, 17:59
by gusingh
Hi! I have a cgi script that lives in a folder in my server( This cgi script will update the jnlp file and then send it in the stdout. Then the jnlp is called with openwebstart, like javaws This shows a warning saying that the application is trying to load resources from remote location. I followed this ticket and added Caller-Allowable-Codebase: * to my jar manifests. But this only changes the message of the warning and does not remove it.

The warning will not appear again if I click the "remember this option" button but I would like to remove it completely. Is there any way to remove this warning?


Re: Warning: using resources from remote locations

Posted: 30 Jun 2022, 11:11
by Janak Mulani